The story is set in an alternate universe, taking place after the “Voodoo Wars”, a conflict between humans and the “Others”. The Others mainly consist of vampires, werewolves, and demons, though the main conflict occurs between humans and vampires. As a result of this war, “bad spots”, or places where black magic thrives, have appeared more frequently. Rae "Sunshine" Seddon, the pastry-making heroine of the novel, has the misfortune of being caught off-guard in a “bad spot” and is abducted by a gang of vampires. She is confined to the ballroom of an abandoned mansion with Constantine, a vampire shackled there by vampires of a rival gang, led by Constantine’s enemy Bo. Bo’s intention is to allow Constantine to slowly die of hunger and exposure to sunlight. Rae is brought as bait for him, and the vampires cut her upper chest as temptation. However, Rae not only manages to defy the supposed power that any vampire has over a human, but also uses her all-but-forgotten magical powers of transmutation, taught to her by her grandmother, to effect an escape. Rae realizes that the magical lineage she has ignored allows her to draw power from the sunlight, ergo transferring her ability through touch to Constantine and allowing him to be under the light of day, so long as contact is maintained. Through this symbiotic relationship, the two of them make an escape. Despite her best efforts, all does not return to normalcy once Rae is back home. Her friends and family are shocked by her survival of an encounter with vampires, and over time she both starts to become more affected by the trauma and refuses to tell anyone the circumstances leading to her alliance with a vampire. As it becomes clear that the conflict with Bo and his gang is only beginning, Sunshine begins to embrace her magical ability, is coerced into working with the "Special Other Forces", wonders what kind of tentative partnership can exist between two individuals whose races are bitter enemies, and, finally, works with Constantine to overthrow Bo for good.
Sighhhhh....So, Evie warned me that this book was either a book that you couldn't put down or a book you didn't want to pick up. Well for me it was the latter. Don't get me wrong the story line was there...It was good...But the main character left a LOT to be desired!! I don't know how many times through this book that I just wanted to tell her to quit whining, quit micro analyzing and freaking DEAL with it!!! On the other hand she did have a lot thrown into her lap and really no one she could talk to about it.
Con was a little flat and dry if you ask me...She could have made him something spectacular even if he wasn't the sexy vamp that we love to read about in books.
I honestly wished for more out of a lot of characters. I wish I knew what Mel was, I wish I could figure out if the goddess is a good person or a bad person, or even if she is a person at all. I wish I could have figured out if the SOF was doing the right thing. The bad thing is...if there is going to be a sequel I will read it just to see if she goes into any details about any of the other characters in the book....I also think that it may have been a good idea for her to find out what happened to her father and her grandmother...I don't know...Ok Ok the book was just flat for me....Sorry ya'll, I know a lot of you really enjoyed it, but it just wasn't for me.
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