In Plum Lovin, Diesel showed up just in time to ruin (so she thinks) Stephanie's plans for a uneventful Valentine's Day. All she needed to do was to get her only outstanding bond jumper into custody and everything was all kosher. I mean how hard could it be to capture "relationship expert" Annie Hart and get her body ticket. Diesel, who hunts "unnaturals" who have went off from the deap end and started getting noticed by the general public. The "unnatural" that Diesel is hunting just so happens to have a vendetta against Annie, so Diesel has her in protective custody and until Stephanie finishs her "relationship tasks" Annie won't turn herself over to her when Diesel is dont protecting her. So Stephanie goes about fixing all the screw ups in 4 peoples lives which leads to some funny stuff. You must pick up the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich and get some good laughs.
In Visions of Sugar Plums is where you first meet the infamous Diesel, when he is dropped into Stephanie's kitchen out of the clear blue sky. Diesel is just a little strange and can unlock doors just by touching them. In this Novella Diesel and Stephanie happen to be hunting the same "unnatural." Diesel to keep him safe and Stephanie to take him to jail for jumping bond. But Mr. Sandy Claws...That's S-A-N-D-Y won't have any of either of them. He has to finish his "job" before Christmas Eve and can't take time out of his busy schedule to go to jail for a crime that he HAD to commit and Diesel...Why would an "unnatural" who is proud and old need the help of someone else to keep him safe from another "unnatural." Turns out that Diesel is certainly a lot of help to Sandy and to Stephanie and maybe he teaches her a lit
tle about Christmas spirit to boot.

Plum Lucky is my next book up. That is after I finish City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. According to the Book jacket it is about Grandma Mazur coming into some money and oh but oh what is she going to do with it. And who to my wondering eyes should appear, none other then the naturally dynamic Diesel. Wonder what he is up to in this book.
I am also very excited to announce that on January 6th another Janet Evanovich between the numbers novella will be released. Here is the excerpt on Plum Spooky!!!!
Turn on all the lights and check under your bed. Things are about to get spooky in Trenton, New Jersey.
According to legend, the Jersey Devil prowls the Pine Barrens and soars above the treetops in the dark of night. As eerie as this might seem, there are things in the Barrens that are even more frightening and dangerous. And there are monkeys. Lots of monkeys.
Wulf Grimoire is a world wanderer and an opportunist who can kill without remorse and disappear like smoke. He's chosen Martin Munch, boy genius, as his new business partner, and he's chosen the Barrens as his new playground
Munch received his doctorate degree in quantum physics when he was twenty-two. He's now twenty-four, and while his brain is large, his body hasn't made it out of the boys' department at Macy's. Anyone who says good things come in small packages hasn't met Munch. Wulf Grimoire is looking for world domination. Martin Munch would be happy if he could just get a woman naked and tied to a tree.
Bounty hunter Stephanie Plum has Munch on her most-wanted list for failure to appear in court. Plum is the all-American girl stuck in an uncomfortable job, succeeding on luck and tenacity. Usually she gets her man. This time she gets a monkey. She also gets a big guy named Diesel.
Diesel pops in and out of Plum's life like birthday cake - delicious to look at and taste, not especially healthy as a steady diet, gone by the end of the week if not sooner. He's an uber bounty hunter with special skills when it comes to tracking men and pleasing women. He's after Grimoire, and now he's also after Munch. And if truth were told, he wouldn't mind setting Stephanie Plum in his crosshairs.
Diesel and Plum hunt down Munch and Grimoire, following them into the Barrens, surviving cranberry bogs, the Jersey Devil, a hair-raising experience, sand in their underwear, and, of course . . . monkeys.

Turn on all the lights and check under your bed. Things are about to get spooky in Trenton, New Jersey.
According to legend, the Jersey Devil prowls the Pine Barrens and soars above the treetops in the dark of night. As eerie as this might seem, there are things in the Barrens that are even more frightening and dangerous. And there are monkeys. Lots of monkeys.
Wulf Grimoire is a world wanderer and an opportunist who can kill without remorse and disappear like smoke. He's chosen Martin Munch, boy genius, as his new business partner, and he's chosen the Barrens as his new playground
Munch received his doctorate degree in quantum physics when he was twenty-two. He's now twenty-four, and while his brain is large, his body hasn't made it out of the boys' department at Macy's. Anyone who says good things come in small packages hasn't met Munch. Wulf Grimoire is looking for world domination. Martin Munch would be happy if he could just get a woman naked and tied to a tree.
Bounty hunter Stephanie Plum has Munch on her most-wanted list for failure to appear in court. Plum is the all-American girl stuck in an uncomfortable job, succeeding on luck and tenacity. Usually she gets her man. This time she gets a monkey. She also gets a big guy named Diesel.
Diesel pops in and out of Plum's life like birthday cake - delicious to look at and taste, not especially healthy as a steady diet, gone by the end of the week if not sooner. He's an uber bounty hunter with special skills when it comes to tracking men and pleasing women. He's after Grimoire, and now he's also after Munch. And if truth were told, he wouldn't mind setting Stephanie Plum in his crosshairs.
Diesel and Plum hunt down Munch and Grimoire, following them into the Barrens, surviving cranberry bogs, the Jersey Devil, a hair-raising experience, sand in their underwear, and, of course . . . monkeys.
I hope that I can implore everyone to pick up a Janet Evanovich book and read a excellent quick read!!!
I just wanted to start out by saying I do not know you but found your blog while searching for Evanovich stuff! I love her books and just thought I would leave a qquick comment on here. Hope you don't mind! I loved Plum Spooky~it took me a day to read. I was so tired the next morning but I could have cared less! Thanks for the blog post!
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