Tuesday, December 30, 2008
My January Living by the List Challange
Posted by Stacy C at 6:11 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 29, 2008
I Won, I Won!!!!

Posted by Stacy C at 7:29 PM 2 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Win a copy of Vampire Seduction by Raven Hart
Posted by Stacy C at 11:09 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Posted by Stacy C at 8:57 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
City of Bones by Cassandra Clare
Yeah, yeah, I know I know, I have been reading a lot lately...It's cold outside what can I say. My latest finish was City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. This book was amazing and as much as you are going to be astonished at hearing me say this, but I liked it better then twilight. Wayyyy more action!!!
This book is about a everyday regular girl named Clary Fray, who decided one day to go to a club with her best friend where she never thought she would witness a murder. Something strange happened though the murdered disappeared in front of her eyes and Clary was introduced to a world full of demons, downworlders and shadowhunters. The shadowhunters are demon killers, the angels so to speak, or are they really.
This first book in the Mortal Instruments Series was a great start I am so excited to begin reading City of Ashes. It could only prove to be a great second book in the series. And great news. The third book in the trilogy will be released in March of 2009. Can't wait to read what else Cassandra Clare has planned for Clary, Simon and the other downworlders and shadowhunters.
Posted by Stacy C at 10:43 PM 2 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum Series--In between the numbers

Turn on all the lights and check under your bed. Things are about to get spooky in Trenton, New Jersey.
According to legend, the Jersey Devil prowls the Pine Barrens and soars above the treetops in the dark of night. As eerie as this might seem, there are things in the Barrens that are even more frightening and dangerous. And there are monkeys. Lots of monkeys.
Wulf Grimoire is a world wanderer and an opportunist who can kill without remorse and disappear like smoke. He's chosen Martin Munch, boy genius, as his new business partner, and he's chosen the Barrens as his new playground
Munch received his doctorate degree in quantum physics when he was twenty-two. He's now twenty-four, and while his brain is large, his body hasn't made it out of the boys' department at Macy's. Anyone who says good things come in small packages hasn't met Munch. Wulf Grimoire is looking for world domination. Martin Munch would be happy if he could just get a woman naked and tied to a tree.
Bounty hunter Stephanie Plum has Munch on her most-wanted list for failure to appear in court. Plum is the all-American girl stuck in an uncomfortable job, succeeding on luck and tenacity. Usually she gets her man. This time she gets a monkey. She also gets a big guy named Diesel.
Diesel pops in and out of Plum's life like birthday cake - delicious to look at and taste, not especially healthy as a steady diet, gone by the end of the week if not sooner. He's an uber bounty hunter with special skills when it comes to tracking men and pleasing women. He's after Grimoire, and now he's also after Munch. And if truth were told, he wouldn't mind setting Stephanie Plum in his crosshairs.
Diesel and Plum hunt down Munch and Grimoire, following them into the Barrens, surviving cranberry bogs, the Jersey Devil, a hair-raising experience, sand in their underwear, and, of course . . . monkeys.
Posted by Stacy C at 6:16 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
The Secret Life of Bees--Sue Monk Kidd
A story set in the 1960's during the civil right movement that occured and was very violent in the southern states. A white girl named Lilly was raised by her emotionally and sometimes physically violent father, T. Ray and her black caretaker, Rosaleen. Rosaleen, while on her way to register to vote, ran into some very racist characters. Instead of just walking away, Rosaleen being the strong willed woman that she is decided to dump snuff (rub) spit on the white men's shoes. She was beaten and arrested and then beaten some more. Rosaleen ended up in the hospital where Lilly broke her out and they both ran away to Tiburon SC.
While in Tiburon, Lilly and Rosaleen met August, June and May and found out more about herself and her mother then she may have bargained for. August teaches Lilly how to care for bees and parts of life she would have never learned from T. Ray.
I loved this book and now that I have read it I am really looking forward to seeing the movie.
Posted by Stacy C at 3:06 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
My Take on 'Twilight' The Movie
Now my take on the characters. I think that Bella didn't show enough emotion. I don't know how to explain it but she was like a person with a corn cob stuck somewhere it shouldn't have been stuck.
Charlie: was absolutely wonderful. Exactly the way I pictured him
Edward: I think that Robert Pattison did a fairly good job portraying Edward. I honestly don't think that anyone could live up to the Edward we have made up in our minds. He played torn very well. Although I really wish they would have had the blood testing scene in the movie.
Jacob: I agree with you Evie, the person playing Jacob isn't a very charismatic character. Although, when we first meet Jacob in the book, he isn't so sure of himself either. I'm hoping that his character will grow in the movies just the same as his character grows in the book.
Emmett & Rosalie: Although I pictured Rosalie with brown hair they both are exactly what I expected and their characters portrayed them well.
James: Convincing
Alice: my new favorite character...after that scene with James in the ballet studio and those of you who seen it know exactly what I am talking about...I lovvvveee Alice
Carlisle and Esmee: I wish Esmee would have played a bigger role but I guess she really doesn't in the books either. Carlisle was perfect. Exactly as I thought he would be. Very protective and wise.
I really wanted to walk right back into the theater and watch it again and I can't wait until New Moon comes out so we can see how these characters grow.
Posted by Stacy C at 4:48 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Sooo Freaking Glad that its OVER!!!
Posted by Stacy C at 6:31 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
So Yes I'm a Reader

So, I am currently reading Ink Exchange by Melissa Marr. It is the second book in a series of I don't know how many books right now. It is about the existence of the Faery world and Faery courts and the interaction with them and humans. The Main Characters name is Aislinn but so far it seems that this book is geared around Aislinn's best friend Leslie. I don't want to say to much about the book and give anything away. But It's a great series and I certainly enjoy it. You can find out more about the books and the author at her website at this link: http://www.melissa-marr.com/index.php .
Now, a little about the book that I just finished reading. First of all this is another series as well. If you can't tell I'm a series reader. If any of you have heard of the series on HBO called True Blood, this is the series of books they got that from. The first book in the series is called Dead until Dark by Charlaine Harris. Now I will admit I had a hard time getting through this book, up until the last couple of chapters but lets just say that I am super glad that I soldiered on and kept reading the book. The series is about a time when vampires become known to the general public and have to suffer the same unrighteousness that black people had to suffer. The main Character in the book, Sookie Stackhouse, who is a telepath, finds herself falling in love with a vampire who just recently comes to her very small Louisiana hometown. Throughout the book Sookie seems to find herself in these predicaments where her vampire has to save her life...or maybe it was Elvis.... The second book in the Series, called Living Dead in Dallas, tells a story of Sookie getting "loaned out" to the Dallas vampires and what its like to live in a place where your kind isn't wanted. The second book was very very easy to get through and I believe that I read it in a day and a half...and I have 5 kids.
I plan on reading Club Dead, which is the 3rd in the Sookie Stackhouse series, when I am finished with Ink Exchange but my list of To Be Read Books changes from day to day.
Posted by Stacy C at 3:52 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Happy 12th Birthday Cody
My Step son turned 12 years old today. And I can honestly say that he is turning into a really great young man. I asked him what he wanted for his birthday and he told me jeans because he was getting to big for his. So of course I told him that was something that Mommy just bought you not something that you asked for for your birthday. All in all I think that he had a pretty good time. He got a super nice MP3 player from his grandma and grandpa and it is of course attached to his ears already.
Sometimes I think that maybe I baby them just a little to much. I don't allow them to run all over town and I have to know where they are going and they better be there because I will check. Of course all of you are saying, no that is just you being a good mom, but I think they might be suffering because I'm too over protective. They really don't have a lot of friends and I don't know if its because of something they are doing or if it's because I dont' allow them to go hang out uptown with other kids.
They play sports and seem to get along well with the other kids on the team but they just don't make "real" friends. Now the hubby tells me this is common with boys that they have a lot of people that they call friends, but I don't know.
Ok any way today was a pretty good day. And I am sooo ready for them to go to bed.
Posted by Stacy C at 8:06 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 20, 2008
A Day In The Life
So this is my first go at really blogging. I have had an online journal for quite sometime located at www.coolerparents.com but haven't done the real blogging thing yet.
This weekend went way to fast and It really should only be Sunday. You know when you have those weekends when you and hubby don't argue and everything gets done around the house. Those are the weekends that just move way to fast.
The older kids had their first archery tournament on Saturday, so that was an all day ordeal in its self. But things went fairly smooth...Not to bad for a school who has never done one of these tournaments before. I am chairwoman of the fundraising committee so I was responsible for finding people to work the admissions booth, and to sell the t-shirts and now I have to make some raffle tickets for a Matthews LX compound bow. Such fun such fun. Any how Cody shot a 171/300, Ashley a 147/300 and Tyler a 135/300. Not to extremely bad for children that have never shot a bow before.
Sunday was our lazy day. We just sat around the house and relaxed. We don't get to do that very often.
Posted by Stacy C at 6:36 AM 2 comments